
CAst VisionWelcome to my site and joining me in my adventure as I discover new artists, resources and more.

Browse through the different sub tabs under ‘Platform’ and have fun! If you are a noob in recording music or songwriting, I hope that the resources that I’m directing you towards will inspire and motivate you to keep building your craft and to keep going. Something that I am learning recently is… without risks, you lose chances and opportunities to see results, whether it’s a successful one or not, what matters is the ongoing process of growing in the ‘creating’ process and doing it over and over again, growing, learning, and being influenced by other writers and music.

Creatives are responsible for being both imaginative and pragmatic and gifting to the world, the colors, sounds and life we feel and see inside of us. It takes vision and commitment to creating input for the outcome. This is hard truth for myself as I’m finally confronted with the truth that unless I put work out there, my music will never been seen or heard. This is very daunting for me, but after over a decade of being silenced by fear, comparison and excuses, I’m willing and wanting to advance into the light of possibilities and sharing what makes me feel alive. Hence, the birth of this site. Allow my journey be yours in your own pursuits and endeavors.

So, allow my platform to be yours. Be inspired.
